Logo of HJB Hall



unus pro omnibus omnes pro uno

The Hall Motto - "One for all, all for One", sums up what HJB Hall of Residence has been successfully thriving for, over the years - a strong sense of belonging and brotherhood.

Located virtually at the centre of the institute, HJB Hall has enjoyed the balcony seat, witnessing every event unfold at IIT Kharagpur and more often than not, being party to the celebrations. With a batch size of approximately 160 boarders, what looks stellar on its credentials isn't the number itself but what feats this number has produced over the years. Be it the TSG elections, the Inter IIT stalwarts, the Placement heroes or a long-lasting bond forged every now and then, you name it and you'll have names from this Hall that'll resonate with what IIT Kharagpur stands for.

Together, with only two blocks- the H and the D, we Hallow our Destiny.

Hall Magazine

Warden's Message

image of warden Prof. Amal Kumar Das

Amal Kumar Das


Associate Professor, Physics

Last one year has been unprecedented for all of us. During COVID period, the hall was completely vacated. A batch of students graduated. Many hall activities, hall day has been completely missed. But we all are making efforts to go on in life following safety protocols. 73rd Republic Day was observed together by the Wardens and Hall staff maintaining safety protocols. We all have to go on in life with our own endeavors and be positive and strive to make the world a better place to live.

image of assistance warden Prof. Hari Shankar Mahato

Hari Shankar Mahato

Assistant warden

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics

We know that the hostel life is an interesting convergence of cultural diversity, brought by the "Chirags" from different upbringings, who eventually blend into a harmony of a rich experience and become a "Memory for Life"! Unfortunately, we will not be able to meet, interact, explore these experiences on the campus right now, but certainly we shall continue to communicate until we meet personally at the Hall. Till then, keep smiling, keep motivated, and above all - keep safe.

image of assistance warden Prof. Bharath Haridas Aithal

Bharath Haridas Aithal

Assistant warden

Assistant Professor, Ranbir and Chitra Gupta School of Infrastructure Design and Management

I understand that hostel is just a reflection of home and a union of diverse cultures and different upbringings, which blends into a harmony for a rich and memorable experience. Mutual cooperation is to make hostel life a rich and fruitful experience. I wish you all the best for your comfortable, cordial stay and we all wish and pray that entire student fraternity should be safe. Mask up, Maintain Hygiene and let’s meet soon.